Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good News for Christmas

December 5th was the Annual Christmas Parade in Millbrook, which always offers the opportunity for vendors to set up booths in the Village Green Park. This marked the 5th year we've had the privilege to participate with our own booth - not to sell our wares, but to give away free items for children and adults. Balloons, Candy Canes, and a gentle reminder of the One who is the "Reason for the Season" - and the Good News that that means to us.

Some dear friends were present to help with the distribution of gift bags - a simply decorated bag that included a wallet calendar for 2010, a candy cane, and a little pamphlet with the "Story of the Candy Cane" printed in it. We also had brochures for the chapel for those interested, and free balloons for the children.

It was bitter cold, and traffic was sparse most of the morning. One might wonder, "Is this worth all the trouble?" Our answer came from a vendor who came by our booth and said, "You are always so good to do this each year. You never know who needs to receive this." And we don't. But we do know that many DO need to hear the Good News of Christmas - and of the Lord Jesus who came to be our Savior.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'll probably be getting glasses before too long. I notice a difficulty seeing things up close now, particularly after a long day. I haven't "seen" to it already more from a lack of time to schedule a visit to the eye doctor than worry about appearance - vanity gave way to practicality a long time ago.
Which all reminds me of Paul's insight to the Corinthians - "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:" (1 Cor 13:12), and John's terrific promise - "When He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as he is." (1 John 3:2). Every believer is hindered in their vision now - what we "see" of Him is through eyes of faith. But then - what a day, when the scales will fall, and glorified eyes will see that Glorified Man! As the hymn writer said, "What a day, glorious day, that will be!"

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lines of Demarcation

A recent visit to Southern Pennsylvania gave the opportunity to see a marker for something many of us may have thought to be mere legend - the Mason-Dixon Line. Surveyed between 1763 and 1767, this line forms parts of the borders between Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia (then Virginia) and Delaware. The term "Mason-Dixon line" later became a popular if not totally accurate means of distinguishing the Northern States from the South. The stone referred to by the historical marker on the roadside sits about 500 feet to the east, easily seen to be jutting up in the backyard of a homeowner. I wonder how complicated it is for him to pay his property taxes.
Many want to "blur the lines" between right and wrong, or good and evil these days. We may thank the Lord there is a fixed standard - God's Word, the Bible. In it, God clearly marks out the "difference" between Himself (incomparably and absolutely holy) and us (ruined, guilty, fallen sinners). There is a marked distinction between His abode (Heaven - a place of eternal bliss) and Hell (the place of everlasting judgment and separation from Him). There is also a decided choice to be made, whether to repent of one's sins and to by faith receive His Son as Savior, or reject Him to one's eternal loss.
Just as we saw on the roadside, there is a difference. Make sure your choice is the right one. "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." - John 3:18

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Jim Leaptrot update

Dear all,
Lisa (Leaptrot) Shepley has set up a CaringBridge site for her father - you can link it here: Not much added yet, but it is a good way to keep up with things.
Linda is still staying in the area. Your prayers are coveted.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Inside the cup

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence." - Matthew 23:25 ESV. This Scripture came to mind as I looked down on my coffee cup today. It's a white cup, a gift from a vendor friend of mine. From the outside, it still looks like new. the inside tells the tale, however - my many cups of morning java have left some heavy staining. Before I commit it to the dishwasher, I am reminded of the Lord's words to those who put on a good front for others, but inside were not as clean as the outside appeared. How like us sometimes - putting on a good show for others, but if only others were to look inside! "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7 ESV). What does the Lord see in me?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lost....and Found - Jim Leaptrot

We received word late Monday evening that our friend, Jim Leaptrot, had left home that morning, and had not returned. He suffers from Alzheimer's. He has continued to drive locally, but evidently this time became greatly confused and could not find his way back. He was finally located in a hospital in Savannah, GA this evening (Tuesday) with moderate injuries sustained from rolling his pick-up truck. While details are sketchy, we know that he was at one time as far west as Tuskegee, AL, and as far south as Fortson, GA (near Jacksonville, FL).
We, as well as so many others, have agonized in prayer for the past 36 or more hours, longing for some good news of Jim's discovery. Many hearts were lifted to hear of God's provision and protection for His lost lamb. We wish him a speedy recovery, and will pray to that end.
The past days' incident has caused me to think, "when have I so agonized over THE lost?". I could hardly eat today, even being somewhat ashamed that I did. My friend was lost. I had trouble thinking about my duties at work. My friend was lost. Jesting and light-heartedness escaped me. My friend was lost. But I can't tell you when the spiritually lost have left me so troubled. Why not?
The spiritually lost, condemned and hell-bound, are in far worse condition than my friend Jim. Often, they too are running pillar to post, seeking what they cannot find. Peace. Rest. Home. And I have the answer. The Savior came to seek the lost (Luke 19:10). How can I not do likewise?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kansas City Outreach October 3, 2009

In the will of the Lord, the saints in Shawnee, Kansas intend to reach out with the gospel to various communities within the Kansas City metropolitan area. Numerous young people from the mid-west will also be traveling to Kansas City to assist with the effort. Some methods include literature distribution, open air preaching, park ministry, door to door work and a parade float campaign. We hope to distribute 20,000 pieces of literature in this community of approximately 2 million people. This gospel effort will take place on Saturday, October 3. We appreciate the prayers of the Lord's people as we endeavor to see souls saved and souls discipled.on behalf of the Bible Chapel of Shawnee,
Danny Chavez

Monday, September 21, 2009

Train Wreck

Last Saturday morning, I saw the remains of failure. About 8AM, I received a call to go take a few pictures of a train derailment. A half-hour later, I was dumbfounded by, not a simple derailment, but a genuine train wreck. Some 45 cars were smashed, accordion-like, into each other. They were all "hopper" cars, the kind that carried non-perishable dry goods - these were loaded with assorted sizes of crushed stone. No passengers, no chemicals, no gases. Praise the Lord. Just 5,000 tons(!) of twisted metal and rock.
A culvert had failed. Torrential rain had eroded away the foundation of it, and after the engine and a number of cars had safely passed, it gave way, and car after car first plunged, then successively crashed into its predecessor on the rail bed, the track itself being torn from the cross ties.
I'm reminded of Paul's words to the Corinthians: "But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." (1 Cor 9:27). The danger was not just that Paul might fail, but how much catastrophe would be done to the churches he ministered to had he yielded to temptation and permanently damaged his testimony. How many hearts would be discouraged, how many under conviction might spurn the gospel, how many enemies of the Cross would laugh! And how much further reaching is such sin than we ever realize at the first.
May I be ever careful to, as Paul, keep myself under discipline, that I not yield to careless sin, and become disqualified for the task that is set before me! How many following behind might be "wrecked" because of my failure!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Larry Price Update

Received news this morning on my most recent lab work. The word is “UNDETECTABLE”! My viral load is undetectable. This is what is hoped for. I am again overwhelmed at God’s mercy to me. My hemoglobin still hovers around 11 and white count is down a bit but not “critical”. Energy level about the same as last month.

I have 32 more weeks of treatment to go. Again, the reason for this is it has been shown that there is a high relapse rate among those who don’t continue the 48 week course of treatment.

Thanks so much for all who have been praying for me.

In His service,
Larry R. Price

Monday, September 14, 2009

We Would Remember Thee

Lord Jesus Christ, we would remember Thee,
As on the table, we the emblems see;
Thy holy body, shadowed in the bread,
The precious blood is in the cup portrayed.

Lord, we adore Thee for Thy matchless grace,
That Thou, for us, didst take the servant's place;
From Godhead's glory, to the shameful tree,
From wealth, so vast, to abject poverty!

O, Lamb of God, we join to bless Thy name,
That Thou, on Calv'ry, bore our sin and shame;
And, by Thy death, didst put our guilt away,
Triumphant rose, our night to turn to day.

We see Thee now, at God's right hand enthroned,
Vested with honor, and with glory crowned;
Blessed Redeemer, Savior, Lord, to Thee
Be all the glory, pow'r and majesty! - A. P. Gibbs

The link below is the tune to this hymn -

Monday, June 1, 2009

Deep South Family Bible Camp Schedule

Deep South Family Camp
June 24-27, 2009
2:00pm----Camp registration (No Lunch Served)
7:30pm----Welcome and ministry, Pavilion; Ray Cummings
9:30am-----Ministry, Pavilion; Scott Leach
Bob Brown; Children, and young people; Dinning Hall
12:00 O’clock Lunch
1:00pm ----Activities for all; Crafts, Games, Swimming, etc.
7:30pm-----Ministry, Pavilion; Bob Brown
FRIDAY; June 26
9:30am-----Ministry, Pavilion; Lee Sandifer
Bob Brown; Children, and young people; Dinning Hall
12:00 O’clock Lunch
1:00pm---- Activities for all; Crafts, Games, Swimming, etc.
7:30pm-----Ministry, Pavilion; James Bonner
7:45am ----Breakfast; camp ends
Snacks will be available mid-afternoon and after the night meeting.
For the Safety of all; you must come to the Lodge and sign in upon arriving at Camp. You must sign out before leaving the Camp for home.
Thank You
James and Lavon Bonner
Camp Registrar

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Resurrection Sunday

April 12th is Resurrection Sunday - a remembrance of the day when our Lord Jesus rose bodily from the dead. That He would rise again was a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy (Psalm 16:10) and His own promise to His disciples (Matthew 12:40; John 2:19-21).

On this Lord's Day, we would like to invite friends, family and neighbors to enjoy a "Continetal Breakfast" hosted at the chapel @ 10:15AM, followed by the Family Bible Hour @ 11:00AM. There will be no Sunday evening meeting so to allow families to spend more time together for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2nd Annual Ladies' Conference

The Ladies of Central Bible Chapel cordially invite you and all your girl friends to a Ladies’ Bible Conference and Picnic Luncheon on April 4, 2009 in Millbrook, Alabama.

The ministry from the Word of God will cover the subject of Submission, and its importance and relevance to women today. Refreshments will be served at 9:30 a.m., and the conference will begin at 10:00 a.m. The conference will conclude with a question and answer session ending around 3:00 p.m. If you were with us last year, the format will be much the same – if you weren’t, you were missed, so please make the effort to join us!

Nursery and children’s activities will be provided, so don’t let your kids keep you home! Accommodations will be available for Friday and/or Saturday for any who wishes to stay overnight.

We look forward to having you as our guests on April 4, 2009!
For questions or information, please contact Tabitha Abele
334-221-9537 or Kathy Leach 334-365-3374.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Needham Bible Chapel Annual Conference

The Needham Bible Chapel (2497 New Hope Road, Needham, Alabama 36915) would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our 25th annual celebration.
God has been so faithful to permit The Chapel to promote Biblical New Testament Doctrine and Principles in the Needham Community for over Fifty Eight years. We would like for you to come and help us celebrate His Faithfulness.

Saturday February 14th
5:30pm - Evening Meal, Chapel
6:30pm - Congregational Sing Along, Special Music.
7:30pm - Ministry; Mike Atwood

Sunday February 15th,
9:30am - Breaking of Bread.
11:00am - Ministry; Mike Atwood

Please share this with your assembly, we would love to see you here. We will make accommodations for all who would like to come. Some in homes, or if you prefer, Motel in Butler. Email or call 251-843-5734, home; Cell 205-457-1611 or 205-457-3604