Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Prayer Request

Dear saints:

We have received this email from brother Gary Clark, an elder at Meadow Ridge Bible Chapel in West Fargo, ND concerning a family in their assembly.

Please fervently pray for Roy Aafedt, who suddenly became very ill late last night. His wife rushed him to Innovis Hospital's emergency room. They have determined that he has a brain aneurysm deep in the frontal lobe of his brain. The neurosurgeon recommended that he be flown to University Fairview Hospital in Minneapolis. The helicopter flight left Innovis at about 5:15 or 5:30 a.m. The flight will take about one hour. Once there they will do further scans/tests and make a decision about the type of surgery needed.

I was at the hospital from about 4:00 a.m. until the flight left. By that time they had him on medication and his pain was controlled. He was alert and talking. He is aware of the serious nature of his illness and requests that everyone be in prayer for him.

Please also pray for Dean Solum as he drives Roy's wife, Cindy and his teen daughter, Makenzie to the hospital. They are probably enroute by now.

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