Friday, January 4, 2008

Baby Elliot Hughes Up-Date

We've received the following alert from Elliot Hughes' grandmother, Jan

Dear praying ones

We met with the surgeon, Dr. Georgeson, this afternoon. They did an X-Ray and said that the esophagus is not looking as though it is long enough. In fact, he said that it looks as though it grew three centimeters initially and hasn't grown much at all since about three weeks ago. At the same time, Elliot has been growing lengthwise and the gap is now getting greater. It seems that there is probably a three centimeter gap now which is too large to attach together.

He says that he is not sure that it is too short (I think this doctor has seen a few miracles probably in his day), but if it is confirmed tomorrow that it is, he will instead perform the Fokker Maneuver which will entail stretching the esophagus 'outside' the body by running lines out his abdomen to pull the esophagus together. This may take up to a month if it works at all. Then they would have to again perform major surgery.

As the Lord leads, please pray that the doctors will be pleasantly surprised when they operate tomorrow and see that the esophagus is amply long enough for attachment. We pray of course that the Lord's will be done and submit to His will in this matter. We have not because we ask not - may we all pray for God's hand to be upon this child and that we will never be slack in
giving God the glory for seeing us through.

Thank you on behalf of us all,


PS: Some have asked where Elliot is - he is at Children's Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. Surgery should be on the second floor and then he will be on sixth. Also, surgery may begin as early as 7:30.

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