Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rosboroughs: T minus 7 (days)!

Dear beloved family and friends,
The countdown now is at 7 days. Suitcases are being laden with every possible necessary contingent item--and a few clothes for ourselves, too! The rest of the week will be spent checking the scales and deciding what needs to stay home! Next Tuesday we will be on a plane, several planes...
From this point forward, we do not plan to send out "blanket" emails; rather, should you choose to follow our journey, you may do so at http://pcjjr.blogspot.com/. We don't promise anything fancy--just a simple journal of our trip (with a picture here and there!). I believe that you can send us messages that way, too, by commenting on a posting.
Also, if you would be interested in talking to us on the phone while we are there, we have set ourselves up with Skype, an Internet phone service, which we hope to be able to use in China. It is very user-friendly and best of all it's FREE to acquire and FREE to use computer-to-computer. (There is a nominal charge when calling a non-computer phone number.) Of course you will need a microphone--either built-in or external. You can see the details at http://www.skype.com/. (No, I'm not a Skype salesman...) What's more, if you have a webcam, Skype will also support the video link for free -- pretty cool! Even if you don't have one, you will be able to see us, even if we can't see you. We will be at pcrosborough on Skype, so give us a call--and remember that we will be 13 hours ahead of CST.
Most importantly, please continue to pray for God's blessing on this voyage. He has lead us thus far, and we continue to depend on Him to bring this adoption full circle. The more we learn about John-Nathan's current home, the more we want to get him here instead.
With love,
The Rosboroughs

Friday, June 13, 2008

Update from the Rosborough's 6/12/08

We're one step closer to getting on a plane! We just received our Travel Approval (a Chinese document) today--a real answer to prayer! Now our agency can request our exit appointments at the U.S. consulate. We should know those dates by early next week. Keep praying for just the right timing in all things. Our best guess at travel is leaving the States on Tuesday July 1st, returning from China on Thursday the 17th.
Thank you all for your prayers, support and interest thus far, expressed in in so many different ways. Your love and excitement has been a real source of encouragement for us!
The Rosboroughs

Home Call

Narayan Paul Sreekulam (A.P.) - India

We have been praying for brother Narayan Paul (74 years) Sreekulam, who was in coma for the last few days. Narayan Paul went to be with the Lord at 8:15 PM (Indian Time) Thursday, June 12, 2008.

He labored for our Master in the Tribal Areas of A.P. - Srikakulam for over 35 years. He was critically ill due to attack of cerebral malaria and jaundice and was admitted in ICU in a private hospital in Visakhapatnam (A.P.). But it was well pleasing to our Master to put an end to his
earthly sufferings and call him Home where there is no pain, no sorrow, no tears, no sickness and no death.

As Paul said, he has fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. Let us uphold the grieving family members, his wife Grace Paul, son Timothy, daughters Phoebe and Hephsiba (Arizona-USA) to the Throne of Grace. May the Lord bestow upon them Heavenly grace, peace and strength and console them with the Word of God.

The funeral will take place on Saturday, June 14.

A G Jacob Vizag

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Prayer Request

The following prayer request was received from Steve Rusk.


One of India's most outstanding and much used of the Lord full time evangelist, Narayan Paul, is in a coma in a hospital in VISAG, eastern India. He is suffering from Cerebral Malaria. A team of excellent doctors are doing everything possible to save him, but with no significant response.

Our brother Narayan laboured for 12 years before seeing a breakthrough among the Sora tribal people in Eastern India. The Lord used him to plant over 50 assemblies and a number of other ministries, including a famous hospital.

Narayan's youngest daughter also died of cerebral malaria and three weeks later his grandson also died of the same disease. A second daughter, joined her father's ministry and within a short while also died of a dreadful disease. Her brother Timothy, father of the little boy who died, walks in his father's footsteps as an evangelist among the same tribal group. He just spoke to me on the phone, from his father's bedside in the ICU, and asked me to solicit prayer, URGENTLY for his father. It will take a miracle to see his father recover and walk the Sora hills again. That's why we request your participation in prayer at this time.

This family has paid a huge price to reach the lost. Please make an effort to uphold Narayan Paul before the Lord, as well as his dear wife Grace, who suffers from a heart condition, his son Timothy and the rest of their family as well as the team of doctors.

Many thanks, on behalf of a great family whose sacrifice and service have challenged my life time and time again.

Ron Penny