Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Prayer Request

The following prayer request was received from Steve Rusk.


One of India's most outstanding and much used of the Lord full time evangelist, Narayan Paul, is in a coma in a hospital in VISAG, eastern India. He is suffering from Cerebral Malaria. A team of excellent doctors are doing everything possible to save him, but with no significant response.

Our brother Narayan laboured for 12 years before seeing a breakthrough among the Sora tribal people in Eastern India. The Lord used him to plant over 50 assemblies and a number of other ministries, including a famous hospital.

Narayan's youngest daughter also died of cerebral malaria and three weeks later his grandson also died of the same disease. A second daughter, joined her father's ministry and within a short while also died of a dreadful disease. Her brother Timothy, father of the little boy who died, walks in his father's footsteps as an evangelist among the same tribal group. He just spoke to me on the phone, from his father's bedside in the ICU, and asked me to solicit prayer, URGENTLY for his father. It will take a miracle to see his father recover and walk the Sora hills again. That's why we request your participation in prayer at this time.

This family has paid a huge price to reach the lost. Please make an effort to uphold Narayan Paul before the Lord, as well as his dear wife Grace, who suffers from a heart condition, his son Timothy and the rest of their family as well as the team of doctors.

Many thanks, on behalf of a great family whose sacrifice and service have challenged my life time and time again.

Ron Penny

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