Friday, May 30, 2008

South Dakota Outreach

Dear saints,

Please continue to be in prayer for the work of the gospel in Brookings, SD. If you are planning to attend the outreach July 7-26, please go to and register so we can arrange housing needs and make other necessary plans.

We have been running a series of ads in the newspaper - "Is there a God?"; "Is the Bible reliable?", "What does the Bible say about man?" and "Is God concerned about man's problem?" We will be running a last ad the week before the outreach, "How can I benefit from God's remedy for man's problem?" Pray that the Lord will use these ads to cause people to think about their sins and need for a Savior. We have received some inquiries as a result of the ads and trust hearts are being prepared for the gospel.

Below are a few specific things for prayer.

1. Working of the Spirit in the lives of people in Brookings.

2. Leaders in the Brookings community - salvation and good working relationship with them during the outreach.

3. Workers for the outreach - ask the Lord to bring those whom He desires to have be part of the outreach. Pray for holiness in their lives. Pray for a great burden for souls in their lives.

4. Housing - pray for the Lord's provision. We are asking the Lord to provide a few campers and one or two homes in the Brookings community for use during the outreach. We are trusting the Lord will find a way to allow us to provide housing for everyone - "Who goes to warfare at his own expense."

5. Gospel literature - pray for timely arrival of the literature and the Lord's blessing as it is distributed.

6. Kid's clubs - pray for those who will teach the Bible lessons and the helpers.

7. The Lord's provision for all of the various needs - workers, meals, receptive hearts, wisdom, gracious interaction with the community, unity among the workers, etc.

8. Opportunity to have a literature table in front of the Walmart store during the outreach.

Notes of praise -
* The Lord directed us to a building which we can use for $75 a day. We will use it for our morning Bible lessons, breakfast, prayer times and evening gospel meetings. We will be able to use it as a meeting place after the outreach also.

* The Lord is allowing us to meet more of the families of children who attended the Kid"s Club at Hillcrest Elementary School in Brookings. Thus far they have responded warmly to us.

In Him,
Larry Sax

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