Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prayer and Praise

Shannon Hills Bible Chapel, Greensboro, NC are planning a neighborhood literature distribution this Saturday, March 1 from 9:00 am until noon. The door-hanger bags will highlight an invitation to the "Love & Respect" marriage DVD series March 2-9, and will also include gospel literature and information on SHBC. They hope to reach 2000 homes with the gospel. Please
pray for receptive hearts.
From the believers at Newtown Christian Fellowship, Newtown, CT

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,

It has been suggested that we share with you the way in which the Lord worked in connection with a recent outreach at the assembly here. It's a testimony of God's goodness and will hopefully be an encouragement to others who desire to reach out with the gospel in their communities. We have been filled with rejoicing to see His hand moving among us!

On Sunday, February 17, a brother from the assembly gave a one-hour public lecture at the town hall entitled "A World In Turmoil--Can I Still Find Peace?" The Lord brought around twenty-two visitors, most of whom were unbelievers! Considering that we have about forty people in fellowship, that was a great turnout! While this was exciting, we were even more
delighted to see that the Lord had significantly prepared several for the gospel. While none have yet, to our knowledge, put their faith in the Lord Jesus, there is real evidence that He is working in their hearts.

Although the assembly has been in existence for thirteen years, we are ashamed that this was only our second public outreach to the community. We had offered another lecture last summer, which we mainly advertised through flyers distributed to homes, and through the newspapers; however, not many people came. Because of this, we were especially encouraged by the turnout
for this outreach.

Contrary to last summer, the focus of our "publicity efforts" for this event was to invite personal acquaintances, and it was much more fruitful. We did make a mistake in unknowingly setting the date just before a school vacation, which turned out to be the reason that some of those invited couldn't come. However, the Lord still brought plenty out. Friends, relatives, coworkers, and classmates were among those who came, and the connections that the believers already have with these people will help with follow-up.

A press release and advertisement were prepared for the local paper, and one couple mentioned that they had seen the notice only two hours before the meeting, and decided to come! One visitor was a store clerk whom one of the believers had invited some time previously, but who had not shown much interest at the time.

The local cable TV company has proven to be a great resource for us. They are more than willing to air the lecture for free on their local access channel. That means that cable subscribers from fourteen towns will be able to view the lecture from their living rooms! They also lent us a
professional video camera and lighting setup to use in recording the lecture. Some of the young brothers in the assembly are working together to make a DVD of the recording, which will be a good resource to give to those who couldn't come to the lecture.

We thank the Lord so much for how he has been at work among the lost and also among us in the assembly. We believe that a major reason for the Lord's blessing was the united and earnest prayers of the believers. It is wonderful to see the answers to those prayers!

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