Thursday, January 10, 2008

Prayer Request

This report comes from Mike Donahue who was on the Good News on the Move (GNOM) team last year. He now lives in England with his wife Danielle.


Dear praying saints

Hello from England. There are 150 kids in a public school who will hear the gospel next week in the will of our LORD! Danielle has been invited by a teacher of religious education to come, along with some co-workers, to speak to the 7th grade class. The subject is "How we found GOD".

The school visited Heatree Activity Centre where we work. Danni wanted to give one of the teachers a "Uniqueness of Christianity" CD. She was a bit hesitant, but gave it to the teacher just before she left. Paula, the teacher who received the CD, was very thankful. She soon wrote back and invited us to come on the 15th of January.

I don't think she is saved, but seems open. She said the CD gave her a lot to think about. We will have 3 one hour sessions with 50 kids in each session. We will get to talk for 40 minutes then have a question and answer session for 20 minutes. Please pray that we will have boldness and grace to proclaim the truth, and pray the kids will be prepared to accept it.

GOD is good! Thank you all.

Mike Donahue

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