Tuesday, May 20, 2008

China/Burma Update

Dear praying friends

We are in touch with some brethren who are able to get help (with no little difficulty) through to believers in both China and Burma (Myanmar). However due to the sensitivity of the situation (especially in Burma) we cannot give details. However if you are exercised to help, especially the household of faith, funds could be sent to CMML (U.S.), MSC Canada, or Echoes (U.K.).

Not only is the devastation unimaginable, and the loss of life mind-boggling, but the governmental red tape is extremely frustrating. You understand one reason for this: it seems to be only so-called "Christian countries" and Christian relief organizations and churches who are ready to help. This outpouring of help has a debilitating effect on the official teaching of atheism or other false beliefs. It also tends to result in many turning to the Lord. As the Scripture says, "The goodness of God leads... to repentance" (Rom. 2:4).

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